Pasadena’s Quaint Downtown Area Is The Perfect Spot to Capture the Romance of Heather & Rob’s Engagement Session

Heather & Rob will always hold an extra special spot in my heart.  Their inquiry to our website for information on their upcoming wedding was the very FIRST one we received after launching our new website on December 30, 2014.  It came just a short four hours after the site went live, and to be perfectly honest, I WAS REALLY EXCITED!!!  After 9 months of hard work bringing the site to life, it was kind of like giving birth.  And my new baby had its first visitor, raving about what they saw. The truth be told it was Heather’s adorable mom Casey who actually made the inquiry on her behalf- and you will hear and SEE more about Casey in this post.

Heather and I spent quite a bit of time brainstorming the perfect session that would allow them to let their love and romance shine along with their fun loving personalities.  We checked on the three locations we would be going to and made sure we had permission to be there.  We went over clothing and props.  Heather’s mom Casey came along to shlep and encourage- although she mostly stayed in the background unless we asked her to join in.

Heather&Rob-Engagement-PasadenaCityHall-IMG_6875It’s hard to explain the magic that happened in words.  Suffice it to say, this is exactly why we include an engagement session in all of our packages.  We feel that it in an invaluable tool to get to know our couples and work with them before the actual wedding day.  And we have so much FUN!

We started at Intelligentsia Coffee on Colorado Blvd. in downtown Pasadena.  Not only do they have yummy coffee drinks, they were happy to have us there and even gave their thumbs up approval to this couple.


The back alley behind the coffee house with its great brick wall and vintage look proved too tempting to pass up on our way to Pasadena City Hall.

Heather & Rob Comp 2


City Hall was perfect with it’s warm, beautiful afternoon light.  We didn’t even let the picketers get in our way!


Then it was off to the bridge- for more fun with our able assistant.  We can’t wait for their beautiful wedding day at the Westlake Village Inn in October!
